2010년 4월 26일 월요일

I'm sled dog~^^

I'm Siberian Husky ~^^

This dog's character is very abrupt !

If this dog isn't received training and concern, they are tired and upset easily.

But they are very doing well if they receive special training.

They are sled dog so they endure the intense cold.

They have a great hairs and big body.

I'm very arrogant~^.^

This is Shih Tzu ^.^

This looks like a lion.

This body looks like a train.

They move fast and softly ^^

They have a flat nose, lionlike hairs, and very lovable move.

Their color generally have brown, white, and black.

Those hair is very long , so it needs to be required.

They are very sensitive .

They are very aggresive whenever they are upset.

MING EMPIOR liked this dog.

2010년 4월 10일 토요일

white elf~^^

This dog is Maltese !
It is very small dog and so white .
It looks like elf, and it is very adorable!
So maltese dog is loved becuase of the cute appearance.
It is very brisk , so it needs to be careful .
Usually, it has a long hair and big eyes.
I think many people like this dog .